An-Nuqthah <p><strong>An-Nuqt</strong><strong>̣</strong><strong>ah: Journal of Education &amp; Community Service</strong> is a scientific journal that contains articles on research results and community service. This journal is managed by Arabic Education Departement at Institut Agama Islam Al-Falah As-Sunniyyah (INAIFAS) Kencong Jember Jawa Timur Indonesia. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related to education. An-Nuqtah journal is published three times a year with 10 articles in each issue number and published by INAIFAS Press.</p> en-US (Fina Aunul Kafi) (Imam Wahyudi) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Pendampingan Optimalisasi Penggunaan Metode Sorogan dalam Desain pembelajaran Maharoh qiro'ah di Asrama Dar Al-‘Ulum Assunniyyah <p>One of the keys to success in learning a foreign language, such as Arabic, is optimizing the use of appropriate and correct methods. This research will explain the process of mentoring and optimizing the use of the sorogan method in maharoh qiro'ah learning design at the Dar Al-'Ulum Assunniyyah Dormitory. and by applying this method, it is hoped that it can train students to improve their mastery of Arabic grammar, making it easier to read and understand the terms of Arabic grammar well. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method. This research concludes that the sorogan method provides maximum results in increasing interest in learning and the ability of Dar Al-'Ulum Assunniyyah Dormitory students in the aspect of maharah Qiro'ah</p> Nor Holis bin Nafsah, Muchammad Khoirudin Musthofa ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pendampingan Lalaran Nadhom Untuk Meningkatkan Ingatan Hafalan Santri As-Sunniyyah Kencong Jember <p>Memorization is a level of knowledge that is carried out regularly to increase understanding, recitation is one way to attach memorization. At the As-Sunniyyah Kencong Jember Islamic Boarding School, there are several marhalah classes, lower (ibtida'iyah), middle (tsanawiyah) and upper (aliyah). Class 2 tsanawiyah memorizes nadzom tajwid (jazariyah) and nahwu (jurumiyah). The aim of this Community Service activity is to empower the As-Sunniyyah Islamic Boarding School students in memorizing the obligatory nadzom. The students became enthusiastic in memorizing the mandatory nadzom which was carried out in the classes of the assisted participants, apart from that, the students were able to understand the contents of the memorized nadzom. Memorizing an obligation, The result of this mentoring is that by using the lalaran method, the students will easily memorize a nadzom that is required for each marhalah which must be deposited with their respective ustadz councils</p> M Abdul Ghofur, Dewi Nur Intan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pendalaman Ilmu Nahwu dengan Metode Diskusi di Asrama Darus Shibyan <p>Deepening the science of Nahwu is very urgent, because Nahwu science is a tool science that must be mastered before studying other sciences. The application of the discussion method is very effective for the marhalah ibtidaiyah students in the Darus Shibyan dormitory who in fact still find it difficult to understand the basics of Nahwu. The aim of this research is to assist the students of the Darus Shibyan dormitory to be more in-depth and critical in the Nahwu science lessons, so that they can understand Arabic. The methods used are community development and discussion practice. The data collection technique uses observation and documentation. As a result of this research, the students of the Darus Shibyan boarding school were able to understand the basic Nahwu rules, and were able to describe I'rab and its position. This identifies that the discussion method is an alternative step to deepen Nahwu knowledge.</p> Ahmad Mizan Rosyadi Abdul Jalil Mannan, Muhammad Mundhir Nadhir ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pendampingan Belajar Mufrodat dengan Permainan Acak Huruf Hijaiyyah Berbantuan Papan Scrabble pada Santri TPQ Lathiful Amien Kedungrejo <p>This community service activity was carried out at TPQ Lathiful Amien with the subject being assisted by 13 students. In this service, the researcher used a random hijaiyyah letter game with the help of a modified and developed scrabble board. The purpose of this research is to ignite enthusiasm ad increase the knowledge of TPQ students in learning Arabic, especially mufrodat. In assisting the learning of mufrodat with a game of random hijaiyyah letters with the help of a Scrabble board for the students, the researcher used the PAR (Participatory Action Research) assistance method. The impacts resulting from a random game of hijaiyyah letters with the help of a scrabble board that are applied are as follows: (1) TPQ Lathiful Amien students become enthusiastic about learning Arabic, (2) TPQ Lathiful amien student are able to recognize hijaiyyah letters well through the games that are applied, and (3) TPQ Lathiful Amien student can master the mufradzat given related to the Al Madrasah theme.</p> Asni Furoidah, Illiawati Illiawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pendampingan Pembelajaran Maharah Qira’ah Menggunakan Media Visual <p>Reading activity is a communication process between readers and writers through reading texts. The aim of this community service activity is to apply a good method. I apply a qiroah method which is very practical and interesting in providing a complete, short, concise and simple understanding of learning.The use of learning media will depend on the learning method used by the teacher. The method used by the author is three strategies, namely: (1) preparation (2) implementation of activities (3) evaluation of activities. Community service activities in the form of assisting students in learning maharoh qiroah with visual media can be a solution to ignite the enthusiasm of students in learning Arabic. After mentoring, the assisted subject can read Arabic correctly.</p> Zainuri Zainuri, Imam Wahyudi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Implementasi Metode Musyabahah Dalam Pembelajaran Mufradat Bahasa Arab Pada Mahasiswa PBA Universitas Al-Falah Assunniyyah (UAS) Kencong, Jember <p>The selection of the musyabahah method used specifically in learning Arabic can be used as an alternative learning method. The primary data sources are the results of interviews and observations, the secondary data sources are the latest book "Al-Arabiyah Baina Yadaik" Volume 2. The data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation as well as a combination of the three, using the Miles and Huberman model data analysis techniques. The results of its implementation are: (1) The lecturer reveals basic Arabic words that are musyabahah, prepares Arabic mufradat to train students' cognitive thinking skills in finding Indonesian equivalents, (2) Students study and compile mufradat musyabahah discussing material in their books, then mention the findings each mufradat musyabahah, (3) The lecturer explains the assimilated vocabulary sounds with different letters but more or less the same.</p> Akhmad Zaeni, Miftachul Taubah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000