Focus and Scope

Al-Fusha: Arabic Language Education Journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by Arabic Education Departement of Islamic Institute Al-Falah As-Sunniyyah, Kencong, Jember, East Java, Indonesia.


Al-Fusha: Arabic Language Education Journal emphasizes research results with the background of Arabic language education studies for all levels of education, whether theoretical, practical, experimental, or developmental.


Al-Fusha: Arabic Language Education Journal specializes in studying theory and practice in teaching and learning based on Arabic language education. This journal warmly welcomes the contributions of scholars from these fields in the object of study:

  • Arabic learning
  • Arabic learning techniques
  • Arabic learning model
  • Arabic linguistics
  • Evaluation and assessment of Arabic learning
  • Sociolinguistics of Arabic
  • Arabic psycholinguistics
  • Arabic curriculum
  • Arabic grammar
  • Arabic learning innovation
  • Development of Arabic textbooks
  • Learning and teaching Arabic
  • Arabic learning planning
  • Technology and learning media
  • Learning methods and strategies
  • and so on which have a relationship with Arabic language education.