Licensing Policy
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, allowing for sharing and adaptation with proper attribution.
The material may be shared, copied, and redistributed in any medium or format, as well as adapted, remixed, transformed, and built upon for any purpose, including commercial use. This license aligns with the principles of Free Cultural Works, and the licensor cannot revoke these permissions provided the terms of the license are adhered to.
Proper attribution must be given, a link to the license must be provided, and any modifications to the material must be clearly indicated. These requirements can be fulfilled in any reasonable manner, provided they do not imply endorsement by the licensor of you or your use. Additionally, legal terms or technological measures that would restrict others from exercising the rights granted under the license are not allowed.
Compliance with the license is not required for elements of the material that are in the public domain or for uses permitted under applicable exceptions or limitations. No warranties are provided, and the license may not grant all the permissions needed for your intended use. For instance, other legal considerations, such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights, may impose additional restrictions on how the material can be used.