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  • FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
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  • Auladuna: Jurnal Prodi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
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  • Al-Fusha : Arabic Language Education Journal
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  • Al-tsaman : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam
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  • Mabahits : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam
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  • JEC : Journal of Educational Counseling
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  • Pandalungan: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
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  • An-Nuqthah
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  • JIEP : Journal of Islamic Education and Pedagogy
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  • An Nadwah: Journal Research on Islamic Education
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  • GEMATI: Journal Research on Early Childhood Islamic Education
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  • Al Mantiq: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
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  • IJELE: Indonesian Journal of English Language and Education
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